Useful stuff you might enjoy.


  • “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel for a thorough take on the case for long term, diversified, low-touch investing. The author says, “women make the best investors”. Damn straight :)

    “Your Money or Your Life”, birthed the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early). Goes deep into encouraging you to track your spending in a very detailed way, notice how much joy your purchases bring you, and equates money with how much of your life energy you trade for it.

    Barefoot Investor: some great ideas in this - a pretty hetronormative take on finances, but still, solid advice.

    We Should all be a Millionaires, Rachel Rodgers: Fist-punching, bold, joyful feminist book on wealth, principles and how to make fat stacks on your own terms. Especially great for lots of practical ideas and actions, and for those who like to work entrepreneurially. 

    Financial Feminist by Tori Dunlop.

    The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone . A 2009 classic, which lays out scientific evidence that demonstrates how more financially equal societies enjoy greater wellbeing, lower crime, greater social cohesion etc.

    Money on your mind by Vicky Renyal- The Psychology of Money. Super interesting and very relevant!

    Good with Money by Emma Edwards Helpful tips to help you be better with money.

  • The Power Walk - 30 mins of top quality content to bring you up to speed with money.

    Power. Money. Security - a five part series that breaks down the current state of female financial wellbeing and what you can do about it. Special guests and good solid tips.

    Tori Dunlop’s Financial Feminist Podcast.

    Cooking the Books - Frances Cook, a financial journalist talks about all things money.

    Mary Holm - the absolute boss of the women’s financial literacy game, has a weekly show on RNZ with an extensive back catalogue.

Sorted - a well known and much loved free platform with calculators, information and support. 

    Girls that Invest - lots of useful information about stocks and investing by the lovely Simran Kaur. 

    Good Shepherd’s Healthy Financial Relationships Toolkit.

    The Table lots of great articles, a podcast with lots of practical tips and if you switch your KiwiSaver funds to Mercer (who run The Table) you get free one-on-one financial advice with their team.  Full disclosure - Ange runs this site.

    Financial Feminist - Tori Dunlop shares info about investing and building your wealth and is feminist af. 

    Mr Money Moustache - is an American guy, who comes out of the FIRE movement (Financial Independence Retire Early), is wildly popular, and has some no-nonsense, fun perspectives on how to retire early, so you can do whatever you like.

    Broke Generation - Aussie based and really helpful!

    Sharesies - great place to start investing.

  • Zooms from Sept-Dec 23
    Zoom from Feb-March 24

    Zooms from July 24
    Zooms from Nov 24

  • This visual demonstration of the power of compound interest. OMG!