Kia ora, welcome!
Ange and I knew we should be investing, saving and all that jazz. But we weren’t. We felt stressed, overwhelmed and tired about money. It was like we were meant to be “good”, or “smart” or instinctively know stuff that everyone else seemed to already know. No matter how hard we tried, secure financial wellbeing remained out of our reach. We just couldn’t find the key.
Then, just for fun, we side-stepped the logical, practical stuff and started exploring how we thought and felt about money using simple therapeutic tools. Ange is a gender-equity specialist and has spent much of her life working to support radical positive change for women. And Rach has over a decade’s worth of broad therapeutic training and experience. We applied these more emotionally-based approaches to our financial lives.
Things immediately started to shift.
We felt better, clearer, more conscious and in control. As our relationships with money rapidly changed, so did our behaviour. Miraculously, we were suddenly hungry to learn all we could about investing, growing our emergency funds, thinking about our retirements, and building the kinds of futures we wanted. For both of us, this approach offered multiple light-bulb moments, meaningful action and results.
All of this transformation from a few simple therapeutic explorations and some laughs? To make sure, we road-tested our approach with hundreds of women, in-person and online. We heard laughter, saw tears, and listened to many stories of newfound clarity, radical improvements in financial wellbeing, huge shifts in attitude, and a renewed enthusiasm for mastering our financial lives. Please join us.
Petra, a recent participant said,
“This has been my financial enlightenment, an awakening.”
Jane Wrightson, NZ Retirement Commissioner describes Hi Money as
“The missing-piece of the financial puzzle.”
The Stats
Consider this: women retire with 25% less in savings than men.
Want a more secure financial future?
Please join us.
We’d LOVE to see you.
Hi Money is a supportive, safe, confidential and fun space for you to explore your thoughts and feelings about money, in whatever way works best for you, and create more of the financial life you want.